Give to Ruscombe & Twyford PCC

We no longer pass around a collection plate but gifts can be placed in a plate at the back of church and we also have card readers. Details of how to donate are described below. 

Please email  if you would like any help to set up regular giving.

Parish Giving Scheme

Please click here to donate online.

You can still make a one-off  or regular donation to us through your bank.

Our details are:

Ruscombe and Twyford PCC
Sort code: 09-01-51
Account: 75677301
(Please give your NAME  as the reference and see the note below about Gift Aid)

If you are tax payer, Gift Aid enables us to recover an additional 25 pence for every £1 you gift, without additional cost to you. Please fill in our online Gift Aid form or download and fill in a paper version and send into the Church Office. 

Ruscombe & Twyford PCC Gift Aid Online Form

You can also send a cheque made payable to Ruscombe & Twyford PCC to:

The PCC Treasurer,
St Mary's Church Centre
Station Road
Berks RG10 9NT

Please indicate if your donation is for any special purpose or the general work of the church and please provide your contact details so that we may thank you and claim Gift Aid if appropriate.

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