
We welcome people of any age for baptism and being baptised as an adult is also a wonderful experience. We are delighted you are considering baptism for your child or for yourself. Your child is precious to you and to God. At baptism you promise to raise your child to know God loves them, and to help them to follow Jesus as a member of the Church.

Alternatively, if you do not feel able to make any promises, or wish your child to choose for themselves in adult life whether or not to be part of the Church, we are more than happy to organize a thanksgiving service in any of our churches.

We offer various options for baptisms in our group of churches to accommodate your preferences.

Useful links

General information on baptisms in the Church of England 

For more information, please contact the church office, Tel: 0118 934 4792, email:

After your initial enquiry about a baptism, you will be given an information pack and application form and invited to meet with the minister who will conduct your child’s baptism. This is an opportunity to discuss the meaning of the promises that you will make in Baptism, and to arrange a date and venue for the service. The baptisms normally take place during The 1030 Sunday service so that we can welcome your child into our congregation.

After your initial enquiry about a baptism, you will be given an information pack and appication form and invited to meet with the minister who will conduct your child’s baptism. This is an opportunity to discuss the meaning of the promises that you will make in Baptism, and to arrange a date and venue for the service. At St James’, we would love this to be part of our 9am Sunday service so that we can welcome your child into our congregation.


After your initial enquiry about a baptism, you will be contacted by a member of the Church to discuss the arrangements. The baptisms are held within the 10:30am Sunday service.


After the baptism

As your child's baptism anniversaries approach you will be invited to remember this special occasion for the first few years in a Family Service at St Mary’s by the lighting of the baptism candle.

Children of all ages and their families are always welcome in our churches. As your child grows up, we have lots of activities for them to explore.


Tots on Tuesdays   The 1030   Sunday Groups


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